Saturday, January 20, 2018

Pocket Monsters Sun & Moon 043 Gym Battle! Z-Move VS Mega Evolution!!

Satoshi and the others have come to Kanto, and now they've gone to the Gym in Hanada City. As the students are taught about battling at Gyms from Takeshi and Kasumi, Satoshi and Kaki get really motivated and say they want to have a genuine battle. And thus, fierce battles between Satoshi and Kasumi and between Kaki and Takeshi begin! Kasumi and Takeshi meet Satoshi and Kaki's Z-Moves with Mega Evolutions!! Who will win these intense battles where all involved parties use their fully powered strength?!

Torrent Link: Click Here


  1. I've been waiting for this one for a while. Thank you.

  2. Thank you for the latest release, PocketMonsters Fansubs.

  3. Thanks for the release! And, can you please refer to Nebby as it's Japanese untranslated name, Hoshigumo? I can understand referring to Lillie's Vulpix as Snowball, but calling Nebby by Starcloud is just plain weird.

  4. Mega Haganeil looks so big and scary... It was clear by Kaki's facial expression that he knew he was in trouble. Thank you, PM.
