Friday, October 30, 2015

Pocket Monsters XY 093 Double Battle at the Hyakkoku Gym! Gojika's Future Sight!!

The Hyakkoku Gym match is finally here, and it's a 2-on-2 double battle! Satoshi counters Gym Leader Gojika's perfectly synced duo of two Nyaonix with his Gekogashira and Fiarrow! But Gekogashira and Fiarrow are struggling badly against the Nyaonix' move "Future Sight"! But then Satoshi comes up with an idea! What could this idea be!?

Torrent Link: Click Here


  1. Yes!! An early release! I thought I'd have to wait till Sunday. Can't wait to catch up to the Raw :'D

  2. Um, PocketMonsterFansub?
    I think there is a typo in 19:27 mark, when Serena congrats Satoshi, I think this needs some fix.
    Besides of that, great subbing as always, and wish all of you luck on subbing XY&Z arc! :)

    1. Yeah, we've received multiple reports about that. It'll be fixed in the later batch release.

  3. Thank you for Season 18 finale now onto Season 19 :)

  4. Thanks guys, and Happy Halloween! :)

  5. Another question batched in my mind, will the release of XYZ follows the timeline of story (ME IV then the main series) or vice versa?

    1. i think that ME IV will be before the main series, probably during the time that satoshi and co. traveled to hyakkouko city
      but ofc im not 100% sure because i didn't check any spoilers and stuff

  6. Thanks for the latest release, PocketMonsters Fansubs!

  7. Question

    Have 1080 episodes ever been in consideration? The quality you release is perfectly fine, but I wouldn't mind having the 1080p quality for even better clarity. Not a necessity however, you guys do a great job.

    Also, with XY&Z starting, I think It'd be cool if the site banner got a new picture. Satoshi-Greninja would be a cool replacement! Great job again, thanks for the subs.

  8. Thank you so much guys for the wonderful subs. You guys work so hard and I just want to let you know that I really appreciate all that you do for us.

  9. Minor grammar mistake at 19:29: the "o" is missing in Satoshi's name, when Serena congratulates him.

  10. Is there any news about the batch release?

    1. I'd like to know too, Same been putting it off because I know im missing a lot of episodes in betwee. figured Id wait to just get the batch. Appreciate everything you guys do, thanks a bunch!
