Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Pocket Monsters 41 - Wake Up! Kabigon!

Traveling makes you hungry. Completely starved, Satoshi and his friends arrive in a village in search of food. However, neither the bakery nor the greengrocery have any food at all, nor do the restaurants.

Completely bewildered and too hungry to even move, the group is approached by the village elder, who treats them to a meal. At the elder's house, they learn that the village hasn't been able to harvest any crops due to a drought, though they don't understand why this would be the case, since it has been raining.

Wanting to pay the elder back for treating them, the group starts heading up the dried-out river to investigate, hoping to find the cause of this.

Torrent Link: Click Here

Episode Notes and Comparison: Click Here


  1. Is Pokemon XY coming out soon? Can't wait for the gym match.

  2. It's awesome you guys are doing the original series. The fansub quality is superb too. Keep it up, and thanks!

  3. The original series is awesome, I'm glad you guys are doing this. Great fansub quality. Thanks!

  4. Link to episode notes and comparison added to the news article.

  5. Wasn't expecting another OS episode so soon! Guess there was some extra free time for it or something?

    Thanks as always! <3

  6. I was wondering if you guys plan to release the Orange islands and johto league episodes? No rush just curious if it's on the to-do list :)

    1. It is. We've done 5 Jouto episodes so far, they're on the tracker.
