Satoshi, who aims to become Pokémon Master, has arrived in the Kalos region alongside his partner Pikachu. He wants to immediately go the the Gym where Pansy's sister serves as Gym Leader, but unfortunately she's not home at the moment. So instead, Satoshi decides to...
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Hey! Thank you for this guys! I'm sure a lot would be happy!
ReplyDeletethanks, now i can finally start with the xy series :D
ReplyDeleteThank you very much!!
ReplyDeleteAwesome... As soon as XY002 comes out, I shall have a two-week marathon catch-up session. Looking forward to it.
ReplyDelete(.........This is MJL, by the way. On the way to getting my life sorted out now, and I'd love to come back and do QC in the not-too-distant future if y'all will still have me. <3)
Thank you so much! Our prayers have been answered! XD
ReplyDeleteGreat release.
ReplyDeleteJust curious when you'll finish subbing the original Pocket Monsters, continuing from "Cyber Solder Porygon"? You're subbing is fantastic and I look forward to more releases of the older gen, as well as X and Y.
More releases of classic material are indeed on the way *points to "Upcoming Releases" list*
DeleteYes I saw that list.
DeleteWhat I meant, is when will you fill the gap between episode 38 and 148? You have Pocket Monsters 65 listed as an upcoming release, but why do 65 instead of 39? Why go out of order?
It's all explained in more detail in the PM38 release post, but in short - this IS the actual order the episodes go in. Episode 65 was meant to be episode 39, but got aired out of order after being postponed for almost a year for a variety of reasons. We're doing these episodes in their intended, chronological order rather than the mixed-up order they aired in.
DeleteAwesome thank you for clearing that up. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks again for the awesome subs, before finding this blog I couldn't find any decent subs anywhere. The quality of your subbing is amazing. Thank you for taking the time to do this. :D
Thanks for all your continued hard work in translating the Pokemon series in general and sharing it with us. You are greatly appreciated.
ReplyDeleteHey I just started watching and it seems that the first episode has a noticable delay in the video when playing the file with Universal Media Server. Any way to fix this? Media Player HC plays it fine and other episodes don't seem to have the time lag...