Thursday, December 19, 2013

Pocket Monsters Best Wishes Season 2 Decolora Adventure Special - Dent and Takeshi! Gyarados' Outrage!!

After separating from Satoshi and Iris, Dent has gone to the Jouto region together with Yanappu. While fishing in a lake, he reels in a Gyarados. He immediately tries to get it, but ends up losing the battle. He heads to the Pokémon Center to heal the damage Gyarados' Flamethrower inflicted on Yanappu... and there, he meets Takeshi!

Torrent Link: Click Here


  1. thank you merry Christmas to you

  2. Replies
    1. Watch the end of this release. There's a preview for it there.

    2. im hoping for episode 1 & 2 of x y upload soon I prefer your subtitles to others , merry Christmas pokefans

  3. Anyone know if they still subbing the original series? It ends at 38. :(

    1. Yes, we are. The episode 38 sub was released less than a month ago.

  4. The subbing is great, and you guys are doing a good job. My only critique is that when a line of subtitles appear, sometimes it will flash on and off for a second or too.

    What's up with it?

    1. I think that might be a problem with your media player. What are you using?
      Fow Windows, I recommend the Combined Community Codec Pack, it workds perfectly for me:
      For other operating systems I can't really help.

    2. I'm using the Regular Windows Media Player on Windows 8. I think I have a few Packs installed so I'll give this one a go.

      It does this with every episode I get from you guys. I'll try iy out and let you know if it works.

    3. Having several codec packs installed at the same time is never a good idea as they conflict with each other. The CCCP installer can detect a few other codec packs and tell you to uninstall them.

  5. When Brock enters the Pokemon Center, Cilan says "Oh, I saw your earlier..." instead of "Oh, I saw you earlier..."

    1. Thanks, We'll fix it in the upcoming batch torrent release.
