Sunday, September 29, 2013

Pocket Monsters Best Wishes Movie 16 Highlight Showcase Special

A promotional special for Movie 16 that aired on TV the week before its premiere, where Shoko-tan, movie director Kunihiko Yuyama and comedian duo Heisei Nobushi Kobushi show off clips and discuss various scenes, actors and highlights. Also includes a preview of the TV special "Mewtwo: The Prologue to its Awakening" and a quick retrospective on the very first Pokémon movie, "Mewtwo Strikes Back".

Torrent Link: Click Here 


  1. Hey Adamant! I want to know why you post on nyaa as Anonymous..
    I think if you upload on nyaa as member. so you can easily become trusted user..

    When will next release came up.. Still waiting bro..
    plz remove captcha on comment form.

    1. I don't care that much for neither the nyaa "community" nor about being a trusted user there, to be quite honest.

      Assuming you mean the next BW release, our BW translator Sushi has been quite busy with other things recently, so it's not done yet. It's impossible to give an estimate beyond that. It'll be out when it's out.

      Captcha will stay for now to prevent spambots.

    2. We're not the ones who upload our torrents to Nyaa. Others do.

  2. Yay a place I can comment! Thanks for all the hard work, I've downloaded tons of eps from you guys and really appreciate it, I'd be Pokemon-less without you (fuck the dub).

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I love what you guys do. Your subs are so good. I watch the RAW's and still get your subs. Keep up the great work.

  5. Yay! Finally a blog! Now it will be mroe easily to track you and ask you how´s it going.

    Cannot other members of the Group fill in for thoose who are busy, so the releases will be faster? I suggest the Group to find out an solution to make quicker release, like expanding the Group with more translators, QCs and others. that would be fun. Maybe a joint with someone (like P-O) may speed things up too.

    1. Having more members would be nice. Finding such members is the problem. This is not a fandom where competent people are fighting each other over the opportunity to fansub material, and there are no other real groups that would do Pokemon out there anyway (P-O is dead, and they never really had any "fansub division" at any point, for that matter).

      As mentioned in the FAQ, we're always looking for more people, but this is a "field" where there just plain aren't many people to begin with.

  6. Please just make the color of the text white instead of using different colors for each character, darker colors are a pain to read. Or teach how to do it myself if there's a way.

    1. You can easily change colors yourself in Media Player Classic. Choose Play -> Subtitles -> Styles... in the menu to access a menu where you can alter everything about the way the text appears. As mentioned, lines are positioned according to their size in their assigned font, so we do not recommend altering this, but merely changing the colors will not have any real negative effect.

    2. Also, by marking Play -> Subtitles -> Default Style, you'll switch all styles to the player's default style, which can be set in the subtitles section of the Options menu. This will mess up the typesetting, but is an otherwise quick way to set all styles to the one you want.

    3. Ok, sorry for asking you to change your style, I didn't know I could change the colors. Now I followed your instructions and made them white like I wanted. Thank you :)

  7. We will not be changing our fansub styles as we like them and the majority of our viewers like them as well. We have been using the style for over 10 years and changing it would be changing consistency. With our softsubs, people can adjust the styles to do that and remux. We don't use darker colors for styles, so be sure to have your monitors colors and brightness/contrast properly calibrated. Changing the styles will adjust positioning and typesetting though and we do not recommend it.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. thank you so much for all your hard work

  10. YAY! I'm so glad you guys have a blog now! I never use IRC, after all....

    Thanks so much for everything you guys have done thus far! I love you all!

  11. Thank you guys for all of your hard work. I am such a huge fan of Pokemon and only know so much Japanese so it is great to be able to watch your releases after watching the raw episodes for a full translation. I have everything you guys have ever released archived and will continue to do so. I really appreciate releases like this Highlight Showcase Special as well. I had been trying to watch Pokemon Smash each week for a while now and always love getting to see things featuring Shoko-tan or getting to hear things from the game and anime creators etc.

  12. Nice a blog now i can come and say Thank you for all the hard work you put into the subs <3 best pokemon subs ever!!!!!!

  13. Any chance that you will re-release older projects with softsub?

    1. Only new releases from the latest season will have soft subs.

  14. Thank you for subbing Pokemon- it's pure dumb fun to watch! Good to see you guys have a blog now (finally). Thank you for your hard work!!

    PS: Are you guys going to sub the "Pokemon: The Origin" 4 episode special? That would be great!

    1. Yes, we've started working on them.

    2. I'll be eagerly awaiting your release! Don't kill yourselves though! Health is more important than fansubbing :)

  15. Really thankful for your work, glad you started softsubbing, my only hope is, is that you go back and softsub all your old release's. Put all your files into mkvmerge, should not take to long, as long as you have the raws + your ass files.

    Then your be the prefect fansub group then :)

  16. I have a question: Why are the Orange Islands the only season without any episodes subbed? I realize you guys will get to it when you can and I'm sure there's a reason for it; I was just curious what that reason is. Is it due to no translator being interested and/or due to it being a filler season? I definitely understand either reason (tho personally I actually enjoyed the OI saga since it was different and pretty good for filler), it just seems odd when every other season (even unpopular ones like Jouto) has at least a couple of episodes subbed, haha.

    Other than that, all I can say is keep up the great work! It's amazing being able to watch all the latest Pokemon content with great subs by you guys, and while I realize it's many, many, MANY years away, I do look forward to one day being able to watch all of Kanto-DP subbed as well~

    1. While I'll readily admit the Orange Islands arc is my least favorite part of the series, there's no real reason we haven't done any of it. All we've done of Jouto is 5 random episodes from the middle of the series, after all. It's less "no translator is interested" and more "no translator has felt like doing any of those episodes yet".

    2. Out of curiosity, why is OI your least favorite? Was wondering since it's been years since I've seen it so perhaps I've forgotten something/let nostalgia blind me. (I remember those episodes really well for some reason) And good point. I always found that a bit odd too, especially since it wasn't even notable Jouto ones either. Fair enough! I can't blame you guys since there are a lot of other seasons I'd prefer to have more of first anyway~

      Sorry to be asking so many questions, but I did have one more. I was wondering, after the infamous Porygon episode, do you guys plan to continue going in actual airdate order with Kanto or will you guys go in the intended order? (as in, will "Rougela's Christmas" and "Iwaku as a Bivouac" remain episodes 65 and 66 or will they be moved to episode 39 and 40 as intended with "Pikachu's Forest" after?)

    3. It's the entire "stally" nature of it. The arc only exists because the writers had to come up with something to do while waiting for GS to come out, since the Kanto arc was more or less done at the time the show got extended from a one-and-a-half-year-long series to an indefinitely running one. It really shows, and the entire idea of Satoshi traveling around a region to writers made up, challenging gyms the writers made up to win a league the writers made up never really sat right with me. It has this annoying air of treading water and just coming up with something for the sake of having something, and it all just kinda meanders around as you sit there and wait for it to be over. The episodes taken as individual stories are usually okay, but taken as a whole, it was just this endless trudge through unmemorable gym leaders with nothing to really look forward to or expect, no real running sideplots, nothing.

      As for your other question, we'll indeed be doing the Kanto episodes in their chronological, originally intended order, so look forward to fun with Santa if you survive Porygon.

    4. I agree that the fact we even had a stally season is annoying. I wish we didn't even have a filler season. But I did like they tried to do a bit of something rather than do absolutely nothing the whole time. You bring up a lot of good points I hadn't thought of though, and I agree with most of them. While most of the gym challenges were unique that was it. The badge/gym concept was just standard fare which feels like a waste since this time they could've actually done anything they wanted. You also bring up a good point about the leaders themselves too, since there's not really much notable about them. And I can see why you dislike Satoshi winning the league too, though considering this is the only League victory we'll get until the show ends I am glad we got it. (though its disappointing it was for such a bland league/not worth anything) And you're right that there was nothing really special to look forward to or going on aside from that. Which is disappointing since with all that free time they could've done all sorts of stuff, so it really feels like wasted potential. You definitely summed it up best by saying that some episodes by themselves are fine (which explains things, because most of what I remember liking what just an episode here or there); it's just that the season as a whole isn't that good or worthwhile. I'm really glad you explained it (thanks for that), since now with my refreshed memory I see why it's so unpopular/my feelings have changed.

      And I'm really happy to hear that, since lack of chronological order is very annoying.
