Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Pocket Monsters XY 025 The Shoyo Gym Match! Pikachu VS Chigoras!!
Having arrived in Shoyo City, Satoshi finally challenges Zakuro to a Gym match at the Shoyo Gym. He sends out Keromatsu to counter Zakuro's Iwark.
Satoshi and Keromatsu have trained hard to come up with a countermeasure for Iwark's "Rock Tomb", which they saw at the Battle Chateau. Will their strategy work against Zakuro!? And then it's time for Pikachu's fight against Chigoras!! Will Satoshi get the gym badge in the end!?
NOTE: As mentioned earlier, XY 024 is being skipped for the time being due to its similarities with the recent tragedy in South Korea, with XY 025 airing in its stead. A new air date for XY 024 has yet to be announced.
Torrent Link: Click Here
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Pocket Monsters XY 000 Road to Kalos
An airplane flies off into the blue sky. And among its passengers are... Satoshi and Pikachu! Their hearts are beating with excitement at the thought of what new Pokémon and friends they'll meet during their new adventure through the Kalos Region. As they recall the encounters and journeys they've had so far, they eventually end up falling asleep.
Torrent Link: Click Here
Monday, April 21, 2014
Pocket Monsters XY 023 The Aurora Bond! Amarus and Amaruruga!!
While Satoshi and friends are training in Kojin Town, they reunite with Pansy, who tells them she has come there to do a feature on the Fossil Laboratories. Satoshi and friends get curious about these Pokémon from ancient times, and decide to accompany her. One of the researchers take them to a refrigerated room where they meet the ancient Pokémon Amarus and Amaruruga, which have been revived from fossils.
Satoshi and friends have fun playing in the snow with Amarus, but after a while they get cold and leave the room for a bit to warm up. The Rocket Gang see their chance, and sneak up on Amarus...
Torrent Link: Click Here
XY24 Delayed, XY25 to Air Instead
On April 16th, 2014, the South Korean ferry Sewol (세월호) carrying 476 people capsized and many people died in the accident.
On April 21st, 2014, TV Tokyo announced that they would be delaying the airing of XY24 - The Castle on the Seabed! Kuzumo and Dramidoro!! (海底の城! クズモーとドラミドロ!!) as the episode featured Satoshi and friends diving underwater to look for the luxury ship "The Cussler" which was assumed to have sunk. Pokémon Get TV 28 did have a preview for XY24, though. XY25 - The Shoyo Gym Match! Pikachu VS Chigoras!! (ショウヨウジム戦!ピカチュウ対チゴラス!!) will air on April 24th, 2014 instead.
This is the message that TV Tokyo posted on the Official Pocket Monsters XY anime website: "Due to the current situation, the episode planned to be broadcast April 24th, "The Castle on the Seabed! Kuzumo and Dramidoro!!", has been temporarily put on hold. It is scheduled to be broadcast at a later date. Once an airdate has been decided, it will be announced on our website." (4/24に放送を予定していた『海底の城!クズモーとドラミドロ!!』は、都合により放送延期になりました。今後、改めて放送する予定です。日程は決ま り次第、HP上等で発表します。)
Source: http://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/program/detail/22836_201404241900.html
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Pocket Monsters XY 022 Fish the Golden Koiking!!

After arriving in Kojin Town, Satoshi and friends head to the Kojin Aquarium, where Water type Pokémon from many different regions have been assembled together. There, they meet the director, Louden, and his partner Udeppou. Louden tells them he dreams of fishing a "golden Koiking", and Satoshi and friends head off to go fishing in order to help him fulfill this dream. Citron invents a nice item for fishing the golden Koiking. Will they successfully manage to hook it!?
Torrent Link: Click Here
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Pocket Monsters XY Special - The Strongest Mega Evolution ~Act I~
Mega Evolution: A new form of evolution that has spread through the Kalos region. However, is Mega Evolution something all Pokémon are capable of? This story is centered around a young Trainer named Alan and his partner Lizardon. "To master Mega Evolution, to defeat all mega evolved Pokémon and stand on top as the strongest": That is the goal of Alan's journey.
As they travel around, Alan and Lizardon engage in a Mega Evolution Battle against a Mega Absol and a Mega Gablias. And then, they battle Zumi of the Elite Four. Does Zumi have a mega evolved Pokémon as well...? Why is Alan so obsessed with Mega Evolution? And what is the true purpose of Alan's journey?
Torrent Link: Click Here
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Pocket Monsters Best Wishes Season 2 Decolora Adventure Special - Iris VS Ibuki! The Road to Dragon Master!!
This is a special story depicting the adventures of Iris and Kibago after they parted with Satoshi! Iris challenges a Dragon-type Gym! It's Kairyu VS the alternate-colored Crimgan! And the legendary Pokémon Rayquaza also appears!!
This is the second half of the Pocket Monsters XY Spring Special.
Torrent Link: Click Here
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Pocket Monsters XY 021 Time to Debut! PokéVision with Serena and Fokko!!
PokéVision is a concept where you create a video that promotes the attractive qualities of a Pokémon and their Trainer and upload it to the Internet! The group watches such a video starring Kalos' number one idols, Elle and her Fokko, at a Pokémon Center, and Serena immediately starts working on PokéVision herself...
This is the first half of the Pocket Monsters XY Spring Special.
Torrent Link: Click Here